En résumé

I have a diverse background in Earth Science. In 2009 I obtained my PhD in Geophysics from the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK, with a focus on the geodynamics of the formation of continental rift basins. Since my PhD I have worked on many problems from geomorphology to seismology. The key link in my research is developing the methods to test numerical models against natural observations. In 2021 I obtained my HDR from the Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris, Université Paris Cité. My HDR manuscript was called “Rivers and Melt: Exploring how physical processes are stored in the geological record”. My current focus in on understanding the relationship between groundwater and rivers in shaping landscape, and in developing novel methods to model sediment and pollution within river catchments and sedimentary basins.

Champs disciplinaires IFPEN
Sujets de recherches
Hydrogeology and geomorphology – exploring how water creates topography and how it will impact future erosion and landscape sustainability
Sediment and plastic transport within fluvial environments – developing numerical models to understand the fate of sediments and pollutants within the natural environment.

Groundwater and landscape erosion due to climate change: PhD project of Kapiolani Teagai in collaboration with Léo Agelas (IFPEN), Christoff Andermann (Université Rennes 1) and Niels Hovius (GFZ Potsdam). The work of Kapiolani is focused on understanding the role of groundwater in the erosion of steep mountain catchmetns. To this end we are developing new numerical methods to understand the flowpaths of groundwater within both the critical zone and fractured bedrock. This is coupled with field missions to the upper reaches of the Bhotakoshi catchment in Nepal to characterise the surface and subsurface hydrology and hydrogeology.


For a full list of my publications see my Google Scholar Profile.

Significant (and not too old) Publications :

  • Armitage, J.J. (2019) Short communication: flow as distributed lines within the landscape. Earth Surface Dynamics, 7, 67-75, doi: 10.5194/esurf-7-67-2019
  • Armitage, J.J., Ferguson, D.J., Petersen, K.D., Creyts, T.T., (2019) The importance of Icenlandic ice sheet growth and retreat on mantle CO2 flux. Geophyscial Research Letters, 46, 6451-658, doi: 10.1029/2019GL081955
  • Armitage, J.J., Burgess, P.M., Hampson, G.J., Allen, P.A., (2018) Deciphering the origin of cyclical gravel front and shoreline progradation and retrogradation in the stratigraphic record. Basin Research, 30, 15-35, doi: 10.1111/bre.12203