Il était une fois ... l'hydrogène naturel
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En résumé

I am a senior geologist and technical advisor with more than 26 years post PhD experience in IFPEN as a quantitative sedimentary geologist, researcher, and code developer.

I received a civil engineer degree from Mines Paris Tech in 1990 and completed my Ph.D. in geology and stratigraphic forward modelling at the University of Rennes in 1996. I joined the Sedimentology Group at IFPEN in January 1992. I have been involved in sedimentary basin studies, from seismic and outcrop interpretation to numerical process-based modelling, and more recently in environmental studies such as extreme rains and fluvial flood risk assessment, carbon fate in soils and aquifers, and CO2 storage. Author/co-author of 60 peer-reviewed papers and about 150 presentations in international conferences, my work has been mainly dedicated to the research and development of stratigraphic forward models. My focus is now on innovative hydrodynamic process-guided machine learning and surrogate models to improve stratigraphic and diagenetic process-based forward models.


DionisosFlow: R&D on stratigraphic forward modeling and process-guided machine learning


Granjeon, D., Gervais, V. (2023). Forward and Inverse Stratigraphic Modeling in Exploration and Appraisal Workflows: Insights from Miocene Carbonate Platforms, Central Luconia, South China Sea. In Cenozoic Isolated Carbonate Platforms—Focus Southeast Asia (pp. 314–330). SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology).

Granjeon, D. (2019) Use of high-performance stratigraphic forward modelling to improve siliciclastic and carbonate reservoir depositional architecture description. Journal of the Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology, v. 84, n° 1, pp. 59-70

Granjeon, D. (2014) 3D stratigraphic forward model compared with analogue flume model: insights on the non-linear water-driven sediment transport and on the impact of baselevel cycles on continental margin and incised valleys. IAS Sp. Pub. 47